Investment management

Deutsche Investment. Investment managers with 360° real estate expertise.

Real estate is our passion. That’s why we do what we do in such a comprehensive way – from designing a real estate fund to replacing the light bulbs in our existing properties. This results in a deep understanding which can only benefit our institutional investors.

Our 360° management approach is a
service of the Deutsche Investment Group.

We plan ahead. With consistent quality. Once the requirements for asset and property management have been defined, we ensure that they are implemented consistently at all times. In this way, we ensure that all fund and real estate-related services are implemented in the interests of our investors and that the value of a property constantly increases. This ensures that a fund also achieves the performance that we predicted in advance on the basis of specific property performance indicators and planning models, taking into account all risk factors. If necessary, we make adjustments. And our investors appreciate that.

We know the market. And we have our ear to the ground. Our transaction management team is responsible for the purchase and sale of investment properties. They focus on the asset classes of housing, offices and local food retail. With our direct market access and regional proximity to potential investment locations, our speed of investment is high and we offer an attractive risk and return profile. This is a basic prerequisite for the circulation and expansion of the special AIFs managed by us. Through continuous market and portfolio analysis and alignment of eligible properties with the investment strategy of the respective real estate fund, we ensure that only the most promising properties are actually included in our portfolio. Of course, we include the goals and values of our investors in the selection and purchasing process – as well as our own.

We plan, control, monitor and implement. Always with the future in mind. Our asset management brings together all the threads of day-to-day business around a property. Our team of specialists protects the interests and objectives of owners and assumes responsibility for the budget. To this end, they coordinate all the specialist areas required to run a property successfully and operate it smoothly – from property management to rental and facility management. Thanks to their comprehensive real estate expertise, our asset managers are also able to identify the hidden potential of a property, take action to enhance its value and thus make the most of it. Work that becomes evident through increased income from the property and a sustainable, future-oriented growth in value.

We manage real estate. In line with the needs of our tenants and investors. With our comprehensive property management, we ensure ongoing commercial support for our portfolio over the entire life cycle of the property. Efficient and highly professional. Always with the aim of sustainable and economical management. We manage property budgets, operate comprehensive tenant management including dealing with all operational and ancillary cost issues and identify potential for cost optimization. Through direct contact with our tenants, we ensure that all the measures we take are always in line with their needs. This keeps them happy and ensures a continuous cash flow.

We want our investors’ properties to look good tomorrow, too. We are already doing everything to ensure this today. The first stage of value enhancement is always comprehensive preservation of value for us. That’s why our professional facility management ensures active and comprehensive support for all properties managed by us. Every day. Around the clock. From building cleaning, through repair and maintenance work, to administration. Work that has a positive impact in many ways. We not only consolidate existing tenancies in this way, but also increase the appeal of properties to potential new tenants at the same time. And ultimately, we also ensure that the trust placed in us by our investors is fully justified.

We recognize substance with potential. And know how to develop it. Especially in the residential real estate sector, there has long been only one direction in terms of demand: steeply upwards. Our Project Development department meets this demand. A team of specialists identifies and activates hidden reserves in the stock. New value is created by reconsolidation in the form of new buildings and extensions on unused land or adding floors to existing buildings and loft developments. A commitment that has a positive impact on the assets of our investors. From planning to management of the work itself, our department handles all client tasks in project development, the king of disciplines. In order to meet our demand for ESG-compliant and environmentally friendly construction and to protect against future follow-up costs of newly created real estate, we consistently make use of innovative technologies and sustainable building materials in all our construction activities.

We analyze and evaluate risk. And we are constantly developing through this. Nothing is without risk. But the biggest danger is to ignore this. That’s why we are meticulous about systematically recording and controlling risks. Because we are aware of our responsibility towards our investors and our own company with all the people who work here. That’s why we run our risk management actively and comprehensively. We rely on the many years of experience of our specialists in the development of risk management processes for investment companies. Over the entire investment period, they ensure that defined risk strategies are adhered to and are in line with the objectives of the business strategy. Ongoing monitoring of risk management is carried out by our internal audit and the auditor.

Investors and stakeholders trust in our work. For good reason, ever since the company was founded. For us, compliance means more than following rules. Integrity, diligence, honesty, probity, expertise and fairness are the values to which each of our team members is committed – from the management to the interns. Through open communication and a feedback culture, we have a significant influence on the positive development of our company. A fact that everyone benefits from in the end. Beyond this internal approach, of course, we comply with all legal and supervisory regulations and always protect the interests of our institutional investors in everything we do. After all, you are making a big leap of faith by entrusting us with your assets. We have developed various procedures to reduce risks to a minimum and create transparency for BaFin. You can find out what they are here.

We report the big picture. Down to the smallest detail. Through regular fund reporting, our fund managers meet the information needs of our institutional investors. All the key figures are sent to our investors at the end of every month. Of course, they are prepared in a way meets the usual requirements. In addition, the annual report on the special fund is published at the end of the fund’s fiscal year. This is prepared in accordance with the relevant market standards and made available after approval by the auditor. At an investment committee meeting, we also report personally once a year on the development of special assets over the past financial year and provide insight into future directions and forecasts.

All reports can be supplemented with additional modules on request and can be accessed in a protected online area.

Our investment focus.
Full concentration on our core competence.

With our investment focus, we concentrate on the basic needs of people: housing, offices and local amenities. We have outstanding industry expertise in these asset classes. In close dialogue with our institutional investors, we create tailor-made investment products in these areas.

  • Open and closed domestic special AIFs
  • Individual and pool funds and club deals

  • Consulting and service clients 

Our asset classes and investment profiles.
With strictly defined success requirements.

Target markets
  • Kiel, Luebeck, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Hanover, Magdeburg, Leipzig, Dresden, Erfurt, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Wuerzburg, Mannheim, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and their metropolitan regions
  • Selected growth regions
    (City with positive population growth, business location with national/supra-regional significance, state capital, university/college location, ICE train station)
Types of transactions
  • Asset deal/Share deal
  • Individual and portfolio transactions
Types of properties
  • Residential buildings, residential and commercial buildings
    (min. 75% residential use)
  • Properties with densification potential
  • Properties with leasehold
  • Properties with public funding
  • Project developments (forward funding and forward purchase)
Property volumes
  • From approx. EUR 5 million
  • Up to approx. EUR 250 million (including portfolio transaction)
  • Share deal transactions from approximately EUR 15 million per property
Risk classes
  • Core/Core+

Are you looking for a buyer for your property?
Put it in the best hands: ours.

Does your residential property meet our purchase criteria? Wonderful. Don’t hesitate to send us your address along with the particulars and any additional property documents, including a list of tenants, photo documentation, floor plans, information about the latest rent increase and a list of any upcoming modernization measures. We will carefully read through the documents you submitted and get in touch with you.


Target markets
  • A-cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich
  • Selected growth cities: Aachen, Augsburg, Bonn, Brunswick, Darmstadt, Dortmund, Dresden, Erfurt, Erlangen, Hanover, Heidelberg, Ingolstadt, Jena, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Leipzig, Luebeck, Magdeburg, Mainz, Mannheim, Muenster, Potsdam, Regensburg, Reutlingen, Wiesbaden, Wolfsburg
Types of transactions
  • Asset deal/Share deal 
  • Individual and portfolio transactions
Types of properties
  • Office buildings and office and commercial buildings
    (min. 70% office use)
Property volumes
  • Individual transactions from approx. EUR 5 to 50 million
  • Portfolio transactions up to approx. EUR 200 million, approx. EUR 40 million per object
  • Share deal transactions from approx. EUR 15 million per object
Risk classes
  • Core/Core+
  • Value added (existing properties with short or medium-term value appreciation potential in central locations in A- and B-cities)
Rental situation
  • Focus on fully let properties with sustainable, stable income, leases expiring in the medium to long-term and high rental potential and tenants with strong credit ratings or state-owned tenants
  • Multi-tenant (WALT from 4 years)
  • Single-tenant (WALT from 6 years)

Are you looking for a buyer for your property?
Put it in the best hands: ours.

Does your office property meet our purchase criteria? Wonderful. Don’t hesitate to send us your address with the particulars and the property information listed below. We will read carefully through the documents you submitted and get in touch with you.

  • Current list of tenants with tenant names, indication of value-determining factors such as type of use, lease terms, lease extension options, notice periods, rent adjustment clauses, year of the last rent increase, flat-rate administrative costs, special termination rights
  • The amount of not allocable managementcosts (operating, vacancy, maintenance and administrative costs)
  • Composition of the area based on the area definition according to MF-G, interior and exterior views and floor plans according to MF-G
  • Property condition incl. year of construction and year of last modernization, current renovation/maintenance status and, if applicable, information about significant upcoming capex measures
  • Valid and current energy certificate (approx. EEC D) and information on the type of heating and firing, electricity consumption and year of construction of the heating system


Target markets
  • Municipalities throughout Germany with more than 3,000 inhabitants
  • Sustainable retail locations with good accessibility and visibility and attractive sales potential
Types of transactions
  • Asset deal/Share deal 
  • Individual and portfolio transactions
Types of properties
  • Specialist stores and retail parks with a focus on food retailing
  • Cash flow shares of min. 50% food retail and min. 70% system-related trade
  • Single or multi-tenant
Property volumes
  • Individual transactions of approximately EUR 2 to 40 million
  • Portfolio transactions up to approx. EUR 250 million
  • Share deal transactions from approx. EUR 15 million per object
Risk classes
  • Core/Core+
  • Value added

Are you looking for a buyer for your property?
Put it in the best hands: ours.

Does your local retail property meet our purchase criteria? Wonderful. Don’t hesitate to send us the particulars with any additional property documents, such as rental lists including information about lease terms and other options and clear photo documentation, to We will carefully read through the documents you submitted and get in touch with you.

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